Carboxy Therapy

Carboxy Therapy Dubai- Skin Rejuvenation Treatment

Botox shots are usually safe if a skilled doctor gives them. Yet, there might be some side effects such as dry eyes, drooling, saggy eyelids, pain, swelling, or bruising where you got the shot, and headaches or flu-like feelings.
It's not advised to get Botox if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, and if you're allergic to cow's milk protein, it's a no-go.>/br> Don't take blood thinners, and make sure a certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon does your wrinkle treatments.

Carboxy Therapy

What is carboxytherapy?

Carboxy therapy is a approved treatment where carbon dioxide gas is injected into the skin to make the blood flow better. This makes the skin more elastic and looks better. The treatment works by putting carbon dioxide into an area, and then the body sends more oxygen to that area. Sending more oxygen helps get rid of extra fluid and waste between cells, making the skin look better and smoother.
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Carboxy Therapy

Concerns Treated with Carboxy Therapy

Carboxytherapy is used to treat skin ailments such as:
  • Dark eye circles
  • Cellulite
  • Stretch marks
  • Scarring believed to stem partially from poor blood circulation
  • Acne scars
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Skin laxity
  • Localized fatty deposits
Carboxy Therapy DUbai

How Carboxy Therapy works

Carboxy Therapy is a clever way to make your skin better by encouraging your body to send more oxygen to the areas that need it.

Here's the simple science behind it:

When we breathe, we take in oxygen, which our lungs pass on to red blood cells. These cells carry the oxygen to different parts of our body. Along the way, they find areas working hard, producing extra carbon dioxide as waste. Our cells in the heart, brain, and skin all release carbon dioxide when they're busy.

When the red blood cells encounter too much carbon dioxide, they hurry to that spot and release the oxygen they're carrying. This helps them pick up the carbon dioxide, which is then released when we breathe out.

Carboxy Therapy uses this natural response to get more oxygen to specific areas that need it.

Here's how it works: A controlled amount of carbon dioxide is injected beneath the skin's surface in a targeted area. Quickly, blood rushes to that spot, carrying a boost of fresh oxygen. An exchange of gases happens, and then the blood continues its journey, now carrying carbon dioxide to the lungs for us to breathe out.

For the skin, this feels like a breath of fresh air. The improved blood flow enhances tiny blood vessels, reversing the tired, bluish look and bringing back a healthy glow.

Carboxy Therapy

Steps Involved in Carboxy Therapy Treatment

  • In-depth talk with our certified skin doctor who specializes in making you look even more beautiful.
  • First, we clean the area that will be treated. Then, we might put a numbing cream on the spot where the injection will go.
  • A tiny needle is put under the skin, and then carbon dioxide spreads into the nearby tissues.
  • Carbon dioxide tricks the body into sending more oxygen-rich blood to a specific area. This helps improve blood flow and makes the skin look better overall.

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    Carboxy Therapy Dubai

    What Are the Benefits of Carboxytherapy?

    Carboxytherapy has several benefits. It can make your skin look smoother by reducing cellulite, which is the lumpy fat under your skin. This treatment can also shape your body by getting rid of extra fat in specific areas. By injecting carbon dioxide into these areas, it reduces fat cells and tightens the skin. Carboxytherapy is often combined with liposuction for body contouring, which is removing extra skin and fat from the body.

    Additionally, carboxytherapy can make stretch marks less noticeable. When carbon dioxide is injected, it stimulates cells called fibroblasts to produce collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. These substances help shrink stretch marks, making them blend in better with your skin.

    If you have dark circles under your eyes, carboxytherapy can help. Dark circles often happen when blood collects under the lower eyelid. The injection of gas improves blood circulation by encouraging the growth of new blood vessels and expanding existing ones.

    Carboxytherapy is also used with other treatments to heal chronic wounds, which can occur with conditions like diabetes and peripheral artery disease. It's even used to treat alopecia, an autoimmune disorder causing hair loss.

    Carboxy Therapy

    What Are the Side Effects of Carboxytherapy?

    Carboxytherapy is a painless treatment with hardly any side effects. When the gas is injected under your skin, you might feel some pressure. Sometimes, you might get a bruise where you got the shot, but it usually goes away in less than a week.

    After the carboxytherapy, your skin might feel warm, itchy, or tingly because the blood flow increases and the gas starts working. This feeling can last up to 24 hours after the treatment. The injected area might look a bit swollen, especially under the eyes, but it will get better in a few days as your body absorbs the gas.
    Carboxy Therapy Dubai

    What to Expect During a Session

    Usually, you don't need to do anything special before getting carboxytherapy. When you go for the treatment, the doctor will use a small needle to put a bit of gas under your skin. The gas comes from a machine called a flow regulator.

    The time it takes for the treatment depends on the part of your body being treated. It usually lasts between 15 to 45 minutes, and you might have it once or twice a week.

    Carboxy Therapy Dubai

    Contraindications for Carboxytherapy

    Carboxytherapy isn't safe for everyone. Avoid this treatment if you have any of the following
    • Currently pregnant or breastfeeding
    • Blood clotting disorders
    • Severe heart disease
    • Stroke
    • High blood pressure (untreated)
    • Active infection
    • Fever
    • Gangrene
    • Kidney failure
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    Faqs-Snap-on smile

    Carbon therapy, also known as carbon laser peel or carbon facial, involves applying a layer of liquid carbon to the skin, which is then targeted with a laser. 


    The laser energy heats and vaporizes the carbon, exfoliating the skin, reducing oil production, and stimulating collagen synthesis for a clearer, smoother complexion.

    Yes, carbon therapy is effective for addressing various skin concerns, including acne, enlarged pores, oily skin, and uneven skin tone. The exfoliating and purifying action of the treatment helps unclog pores, reduce acne-causing bacteria, and improve overall skin texture and tone.

    Carbon therapy is generally safe for all skin types, including sensitive and dark skin tones. The treatment is customizable, allowing for adjustments in laser settings to accommodate different skin sensitivities and concerns, with minimal risk of adverse effects when performed by a qualified professional.

    • Carbon therapy typically involves minimal downtime, with mild redness or warmth immediately following the procedure. Makeup can usually be applied immediately afterward, allowing patients to resume their normal activities with little to no disruption.

    The number of carbon therapy sessions needed varies depending on individual skin concerns and treatment goals. 


    For best results, a series of sessions spaced several weeks apart is usually recommended. Results are typically long-lasting, with maintenance treatments recommended as needed to sustain benefits.

    Carbon therapy is generally safe when performed by a qualified practitioner. Potential side effects may include mild redness, swelling, or temporary darkening of treated areas, which typically resolve within a few days. 


    Individuals with active infections, open wounds, or certain medical conditions may not be suitable candidates for treatment.

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