Eximia Body Countering

Eximia Body Countering

Eximia Body Countering is a comprehensive system that offers various non-invasive cosmetic treatments aimed at enhancing skin health, reducing cellulite, and contouring the body.

Eximia Body Countering

Treatment Procedure of Eximia Body Countering:


Assessment of skin type, concerns, and treatment goals.


Necessary preparation before the treatment procedure.

Treatment Steps:

  1. Microdermolift: Cleansing of the treatment area to remove oils and debris. Improves circulation and prepares the skin.
  2. LASERPORATION (RF) Energy:  reduces cellulite appearance, and aids in the breakdown of fat cells,
  3. ENDORADIOMAG with RF: Enhance lymphatic drainage and aid in fat reduction.
  4. Radioporation : Stimulates collagen production and tightens skin.
  1. Targeted Application: Customized settings for each area, such as thighs, abdomen back and upper arms.
  2. Post-Treatment Care: Recommendations for skincare and maintenance.
  3. Results: Immediate skin tightening and texture improvement, with optimal outcomes after a series of sessions.

                                                                Duration of treatment: 60 min per body part

                                                                Price: 500 AED per body part

What We Do

We Provide All Types Of Facials

Eximia Body Countering

Result after a Session:

  • Immediate Skin Tightening
  • Reduced Cellulite Appearance
  • Enhanced Body Contouring
  • Improved Skin Texture
  • Subtle Inch Loss
  • Enhanced Overall Skin Health
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We offer wide range of Facial Treatments

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Eximia Body Contouring is a comprehensive system that offers various non-invasive cosmetic treatments aimed at enhancing skin health, reducing cellulite, and contouring the body. The procedure combines multiple advanced technologies such as Microdermolift, LASERPORATION (RF) Energy, ENDORADIOMAG with RF, and Radioporation. These treatments work together to cleanse the skin, improve circulation, reduce fat cells, enhance lymphatic drainage, stimulate collagen production, and tighten the skin, resulting in a more toned and contoured appearance.

Yes, Eximia Body Contouring is a safe and effective treatment suitable for all skin types. The non-invasive nature of the procedure ensures minimal discomfort and no downtime. During your initial consultation, our skincare specialists will assess your skin type, concerns, and treatment goals to customize the procedure for your specific needs, ensuring optimal results.

While some clients may notice immediate improvements after a single session, optimal results are typically achieved after a series of treatments. The exact number of sessions required varies depending on individual goals and the specific areas being treated. Our skincare experts will provide personalized recommendations during your consultation to help you achieve the best possible outcomes.

Post-treatment care is essential to maintain and enhance the results of Eximia Body Contouring. After the treatment, our specialists will provide you with personalized skincare and maintenance recommendations. This may include staying hydrated, maintaining a healthy diet, and following a regular skincare routine. Avoiding excessive sun exposure and using sun protection is also advised to preserve the improved skin texture and health achieved through the treatment.

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